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Trening av hest fra bakken med Rupert Isaacson søndag 10. mars

Stovner ridesenter inviterer til kurs i trening av hest fra bakken med Rupert Isaacson. Rupert Isaacson har drevet med hester hele livet, men er mest kjent som mannen bak The horse boy method. For å holde hestene sine friske, og veltrente i sin jobb med terapi ridning så trener Rupert hestene sine mye fra bakken og har lang og god erfaring med dette og vil dele sin kunnskap med oss denne søndagen

Kurset vil gå gjennom litt teori en liten demo og så vil deltakerne få prøve noen av øvelsene på skolehestene til Stovner ridesenter. I tillegg til denne dagen vil deltakerene få være med å trene skolehester søndag 7. april kl 11-13

Rupert beskriver arrangemente som følger:
Have you always wondered what were the secrets behind high school dressage training? How the piaffe, the passage, the pirouettes and tempis are actually produced? Have you ever wondered how you could learn the building blocks that lead to this magical kingdom? Have you always wanted a horse that was at its most supple, mentally and emotionally happy and flexible, its most muscled and wise? Have you ever, as a professional in the horse world, wondered how such training could be effortlessly incorporated into a busy lesson program? or as a private rider have you ever wondered how such training could be incorporated into your busy life? Have you ever wondered how to maximise the well being effect of horses on yourself, or how to rehab older or injured horses in a way that makes them even better than before?Join Rupert Isaacson, internationally known as a trainer of the Old Masters dressage system of training horses from the ground – the in-hand work as it is known, as he unlocks the secrets and shows us the way to joy with our horses…and with our human selves.Rupert’s equine assisted work with autism (Horse Boy Method) and trauma (Athena) are practiced in more than 30 countries and he travels internationally teaching of the Old Masters system (Helios Harmony) to people who have always wondered just how this meta level of horsemanship, which – when done right – has great healing power for the equines and humans involved, can be achieved.Its doesnt matter whether you are a horse professional, a private rider, a parent of a special needs child or someone working in the field of mental health, or just plain curious – for as Rupert’s bestselling books The Healing Land, the Horse Boy and The Long Rude Home reveal, there is much more to his story than just horses, including a deep dive into the shamanic side of human culture – an evening watching as Rupert explains how the Old Masters System works, and how it relates to human health and happiness always fascinates and inspires. Come join us on the adventure.Pris kr 1350;-Påmelding via link her

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